Ever - Easy structural solVER
Ever (stands for Easy solVER) is a software that can solve two-dimensional structures within the elastic theory.
The strenght of Ever is the great ease of use: the structure is defined by means of graphical input, in a way very similar to the use of the most popular CAD softwares. The snaps, the grid and the intuitive interface allows to easily and rapidly define the structural system to be analysed.
One the analysis is done, Ever can plot the axial force, shear, moment diagrams and the elastic deformed shape of the structure. It is then possible to export the work window as a png file (200dpi) or the structural and stress data in an Excel 2007 Workbook.
Una volta eseguita l'analisi il software può disegnare i diagrammi di Sforzo Assiale, Taglio e Momento e anche la deformata elastica della struttura.
In ogni istante è possibile esportare la schermata di lavoro come file png a 200dpi oppure esportare i dati di aste, materiali, sezioni e sollecitazioni in un file excel 2007.
Ever requires a MS Windows operating system with the .NET Framework v.4.0